Friday, January 6, 2012

The 3 Truths

Underlying the basic existence of the YCW movement and thus Fr Joseph Cardijn's reading of the reality of young workers, are what he called the three truths.

Three fundamental realities that in his words "light up and explain the problem of young workers in the world"

The Truth of Reality.
Often young people step into the world of work unaware of their real value and dignity. 

Young people sometimes find themselves in situations where they are not appreciated, feel stuck and only part of what seems to be a machine where they are just an insignificant bolt.

The ideas, enthusiasm and energy they so happily set out to promote in the world they are eager to be active in, are sometimes met with a cold shoulder to say the least.

The Truth of Faith
Faith informs our understanding of who we are.

The truth of faith often contradicts what young people (and not just them) experience in their every day live experiences. Our faith tells us that each young person is created in the image of God. Being son's and daughter's of God with a divine dignity, it reminds us we are no slave, animal or machine!

However as we have mentioned before too often this comes in total conflict with the truth of faith.
Thus the third truth.

The Truth of Method
We can do something to solve this contradiction.

The truth of Method provides us with not only a tool but a way of life through which to solve the previously mentioned conflict. Cardijn's started off the Young Christian Workers movement so that it could provide a way to help young people organise themselves in a movement that would Serve, Educate and Represent them in the world.

A Movement that through the Method of the Review of life would help young people make the truth of faith a living experience for all young people.

A movement organised by young people, for them and amongst them that would help young people group up, and form each other in responsibility and commitment.

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