"Rise Up Young Christians and tomorrow we will move forward to the Conquest Of The World."
—Canon Cardijn At Liverpool
13th September 1946, Page 1
" The conquest for Christ of the working youth of the English speaking world, now depends on England, not Belgium." This was Canon Cardijn's last message to the Y.C.W. of England
I am delighted with the YCW UK it is most necessary if we are to be effective among the working masses that girls should play their full part working in unity with the boys.
"From these working boys and girls working together for the restoration of the masses in Christ. we will build the Christian families which are the future of the Church. They wage the campaign and they know their lives are part of the campaign.
"From these working boys and girls working together for the restoration of the masses in Christ. we will build the Christian families which are the future of the Church. They wage the campaign and they know their lives are part of the campaign.
Cardijn went on to speak of the Hierarchy and his gratitude for the kindness shown in this country.
"The Y.C.W. in England has great advantages in its development, sustained as it is by the encouragement and care of the Hierarchy. I have been deeply touched by the kindness and enthusiasm of His Eminence, Cardinal Griffin, Archbishop Amigo, Bishop Bright and Mgr. Masterson. Their interest and generous support was most inspiring."
exerpts form an article covering the last message to the Y.C.W. in England given by Canon Cardijn in an exclusive interview with The Catholic Herald just before he left England for Belgium.
exerpts form an article covering the last message to the Y.C.W. in England given by Canon Cardijn in an exclusive interview with The Catholic Herald just before he left England for Belgium.
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